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Remember how both Marc and Steven denied killing them? This was right before Khonshu caused the sun’s eclipse in Moon Knight Episode 3. Tawaret weighs the hearts of Marc and Steven (which are basically two parts of the same heart) against the Feather of Truth on the Scales of Justice. If the scale remains unbalanced by the time they reach the Field of Reeds, both Marc and Steven will be dragged by the dead into the Duat where they will be frozen in the sands forever. In Egyptian mythology, it is not Tawaret but Anubis, God of the Dead, who measures the heart on the scales. And Ammit, the Devourer of the Dead, is the one who “devours” the souls of those whose scales aren’t balanced which is proof that their hearts are unworthy. While exploring their memories to find a way to balance their scales, Marc and Steven stumble upon the fateful night of Marc’s death. This is when we get the firsthand revelation of how Marc Spector became the Moon Knight.

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